Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Low Carb Diet Diary

The Low Carb Diet

So, what is this low carb lifestyle all about then?

Firstly, some definitions, as I understand them. If I get anything wrong in my discussion of low carb facts and issues, please don't hesitate to correct me by email, by clicking the appropriate link.

The term low carb refers to foodstuffs that have a low carbohydrate content, and has also been taken to apply to a diet that is high in protein and low in carbohydrates. Low carb diets include the South Beach Diet, and other diets based around protein rich foods; fish, meat, cheese etc.

Carbohydrates get turned into sugars by the body, which are not dissolved and contribute to weight gain. Think of a low carb diet as one where the excess sugar (calories) is kept to a minimum – an average male should consume 2,500 calories of energy per day in order to avoid gaining weight.

A low carb diet maintains low sugar content, and hence restricts the number of calories consumed. This is a simplification, and if anyone can give an easy to understand scientific explanation of why a low carb diet works, then let me know.

Low Carb Drawbacks

I have followed high protein, low carb diets in the past. In doing so, I have encountered some problems with the low carb diet lifestyle. In particular, a drop in blood sugar which led to me nearly fainting on a couple of occasions.

One of my colleagues explained it thus : you are following a low carb diet, and not getting the same amount of sugar as before. Your brain needs sugar to function, and if it does not get enough, you will have problems concentrating, and run the risk of becoming light headed.

In other words, low carb diets are good, zero carb, high protein, intentionally low energy diets are not necessarily good for you on a long term basis. For quick weight loss, however, a low carb diet will probably work.

Low Carb Diet Diary

So, we're going to test it. Remember 'Supersize Me?'. Think of this blog as a kind of low carb diet version. I'll track my eating, I'll try to calculate the calories contained in what I eat, along with the carb levels (and GI, if I can).

Most importantly, I'll track my weight as I follow various low carb diet lifestyles, along with the convenience. If I find a good recipe or two along the way, I'll pass them on.

Low carb diet


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