Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Low Carb Diet Recipe : Grilled Salmon with Watercress Sauce

Low Carb Diet Recipe : Grilled Salmon with Watercress Sauce

This low carb diet recipe is designed to be full of goodness, and low in calories and carbohydrates. It is not a traditional low carb food, since it does contain some carbs, but it can help weight loss as part of a controlled low carb or low calorie diet.

Low Carb Principle

This is a fish dish, and as such has a high oil and protein in the meat, and a reasonably low carb content. Grilling the salmon, rather than cooking it in any oil, will help to maintain a healthy carb and fat level.

We also use wholegrain rice, which is a low carb alternative to traditional minted new potatoes which usually accompany such a dish. Unusually for a low carb diet recipe there is also a sauce; and in order to keep the low carb diet principle, you will need to find a very low fat cream or avoid the sauce completely.

As always with these recipes – they are healthy, tasty low carb alternatives, but will only work as part of your weight loss plan if other elements in your diet are taken into account.


Here are the ingredients. Please be aware that quantities need to be adjusted according to your bodies own ability to cope with carbohydrates. Tip : use a program like CarbTrack to monitor your low carb diet – it'll help you to decide exactly how many carbs you can process without gaining weight.
  • Salmon steak (not smoked or cured in any way)
  • Cress
  • Fresh Watercress
  • Lemon juice or zest
  • Low fat cream or substitute
  • Wholegrain rice

Cut and wash the cress and watercress. Strip the salmon steak(s) of any excess fat (greyish meat) so that it does not get cooked into the fish. Squeeze the juice of a single lemon into a receptacle.


Put the rice into a deep glass dish (with lid) : two cups for four people should be ample. Add two cups of water, and lightly salt it. Place dish, lidded, into the microwave for about 14 minutes at 850W (assuming 2 cups of rice).

Grill the salmon steaks to taste. Don't forget to turn them over.

Reduce the watercress in a pan with a very small amount of vegetable spread (not butter!), add the lemon juice and a small amount of low fat cream or substitute, and put the mixture into a blender. Blend (it'll go green).


Put a bed of cress on each place, place the salmon steak on top of it and tip the sauce over the salmon steak. Put the rice on the side, and deliver to the table.

Low carb diet


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