Thursday, April 13, 2006

Low Carb Diet Diary

Low Carb Diet Diary Update

For those who didn't know, this is my last week of 'regular carb life', and my low carb diet starts next week. On Tuesday, because Monday is a holiday, and I don't want to mug myself.

The way it'll work is as follows. Tuesday morning, I shall weigh myself, and pack a reasonably low carb diet lunch package, the contents of which I shall post here, along with my weight (gulp).

Now, I'm only planning to change my diet one little bit at a time since the last time I cut them out I kept having episodes of dizziness. You can always email me tips (see address below) and I'll take them on board if they seem sensible. The thing with a low carb diet is that everyone is different, so I'm also looking for ways to calculate my 'carb tolerance level'.

The first change that I'll make is to try to note down where the carbs are that I'm consuming ... and reduce them. Not quite the low carb diet in a traditional sense, more like public research in the Supersize Me mould. Without the cameras, of course.

Then, we'll see whether my weight changes, or not. If not, drastic actions will be necessary. I might even have to exercise (double gulp). Although, frankly, I'd rather do a bit of honest exercise than embark on a totally low carb diet!

Wish me luck...

Contact :

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