Friday, April 28, 2006

Low Carb Diet Diary : Week 1

Low Carb Diet Diary : Week 1

A week is a long time in low carb diet terms. Bit of a rollercoaster, truth be told. Even counting the carbs in so called low carb food becomes a chore after a few days. You need to stick with it, though, because, as I'm finding out, the rewards are well worth it.

I have named the type of diet I'm trying the 'Just Enough Carbs' diet. Traditionally, a low carb diet requires that you stay away from carbs altogether. I had a slight problem, as regulars of this blog will know, which I put down to the low carb diet I tried last time.

I was fainting, due to lack of sugar. Ouch.

So, this time, my low carb diet is not quite so low carb. In fact, I've set two limits per meal (and these are flexible, believe me), which I'm testing. Firstly, in the spirit of the low carb lifestyle, I've set a limit of a total of 20% carbs per meal. Secondly, I'm calorie-limiting to around 1750 per day, split half and half between my main meal (at lunch) and breakfast/dinner/snacks.

You know what? It seems to be working. Low carb, or at least reduced carb, works for me.

Some stats for you, since I had to enter them all over at - height 6'1", weight (weight for it....) 89kg when I started. This gave me a BMI (body mass index) that was edging into the danger zone. WHich is why I started this diet thing in the first place.

5 days later (or thereabouts), and I now weigh 87.1 kg. I did ask my better half if this was due to a flat battery or my shiny new low carb diet, and we came to the conclusion that it was the diet. And the 2 litres of water per day that I'm drinking.

Lunch is, then, lettuce (iceberg), shredded, two cups thereof. Slice of really dark rye bread - luckily I like it, with some crab stick salad (light mayo) spread on it. It's nicer than it sounds. I also eat an apple a day (because you know what they say), and have a light breakfast of cereal and milk (semi skimmed, low fat). Dinner is a small porion of whatever is cooking.

Next week I start my real day-by-day calorie and carb counting by way of a confirmation of the low carb diet that I'm creating for myself. We'll also look at the theory behind all these things too, which I'm reasearching for my book 'Just Enough Diet'.

Stay tuned...

Low Carb Diet


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